The IGO Early Bird Sale event officially takes place on December 19th. We are pleased to inform you about the rules for participating in the Early Bird Sale are as follows
Date & Time: December 19th 2021
Buying condition:
Hold 1000 $WIDI at least
👉 Buy WIDI immediately on Pancake: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0xa361c79783833524dc7838399a4862b5f47038b8&inputCurrency=0xe9e7cea3dedca5984780bafc599bd69add0
0,02 BNB per 01 Character Treasure
0,05 BNB per 01 Land Treasure
Divided into 02 separate POOLs:
POOL 1: For those who are winners on the Whitelist
We guarantee all members in this group will definitely own slots to buy Treasure
POOL 2: First come first serve for everyone
Details are as follows:
POOL 1: For those who are winners on the Whitelist
👉 JOIN IN: https://app.widiland.com/whitelist
*Information is being updated
Format for sale:
Starting at 2 AM UTC on December 19th 2021, ending at 2 AM UTC on December 20th
Each whitelist winner has the right to buy 1 Character Treasure and 1 Land Treasure.
POOL 2: First come first serve for everyone
👉 JOIN IN: https://app.widiland.com/early-sale
*Information is being updated
Quantity: 28,000 Treasures
Including: 20,000 Character Treasure; 8,000 Land Treasure
Quantity sold per round: 3,500 Treasure
In which: 2,500 Character Treasure; 1,000 Land Treasure
Format for sale:
Starting at 2 AM UTC on December 19th 2021, ending at 2 AM UTC on December 20th
Open 8 rounds, each 3 hours apart
Time limit for each purchase: 60 seconds at least (The time limit can be changed to ensure anti-bots)
Each turn, 1 person can buy 1 Land Treasure or 1 Character Treasure.
There is no limit to how many Treasures each person can buy.
MUST READ: Only Metamask and Binance wallet are supported.
👉 Install 2 wallets here:
🔹 Metamask: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/metamask/nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn
🔹 Binance wallet: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/binance-wallet/fhbohimaelbohpjbbldcngcnapndodjp
Save the website to buy Treasure during IGO Early Bird Sale:
Pool 1: https://app.widiland.com/whitelist
Pool 2: https://app.widiland.com/early-sale
🔥 Let’s look forward to the latest news about the IGO Early Bird Sale on all WidiLand’s channels.
🚩 Let’s set the first footprint on WidiLand! 🚩
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Can I use the trust bag ... and can I buy widi now and participate in the next round ????
good luck